(a) Greater number of points obtained in the matches between the teams in question.
(b) Goal difference resulting from the matches between the teams in question (if more than two teams finish equal).
(c) Greater number of goals scored in the matches between the teams in question (if more than two teams finish equal).
(d) Goal difference in all the group matches.
(e) Greater number of goals scored in all the group matches.
(f) Coefficient of points from the last two qualifying competitions for the final rounds of the 2006 World Cup and Euro 2008 (points gained and divided by the number of matches played).
(g) Fair Play conduct of the teams (final tournament).
(h) A drawing of lots by the Organising Committee.
I think you pulled 3+ teams tied, here is two teams:
- number of points earned in matches between the teams in question;
- goal difference in matches between the teams in question (in cases where there are more than two teams equal on points);
- goals scored in matches between the teams in question (in cases where there are more than two teams equal on points);
- goal difference in all group matches;
- goals scored in all group matches;
in cases where exactly two teams are equal in all previously listed critera and play one another to a draw in their final group match, kicks from the penalty mark will be conducted in lieu of the remaining criteria;
- the number of points obtained by the teams in question divided by the number of matches played in the qualifying competitions for the 2006 FIFA World Cup and 2008 UEFA European Championship;
- fair play conduct of the teams in the group stage;
- drawing of lots.